AARP’s Perceptions of Current Aging Trends Were Obvious (to some) 14 Years Ago.

Brent Green
6 min readSep 7, 2023

The September 2023 edition of the AARP Bulletin showcases a multi-author cover article about how Boomers and older adults are “Changing America” and “shaking up our country.” The article discusses trends in seven categories, from financial services to travel.

Most of the trends (referred to as phenomena) were obvious to this author 14 years ago when I wrote Generation Reinvention: How Boomers Today Are Changing Business, Marketing, Aging and the Future.

Here is the chapter sidebar, as written 14 years ago. Perhaps the Bulletin’s editors will discover reinvention predictions and transformations not covered in the 2023 article.

30+ Reinvention Opportunities

Unprecedented societal aging engenders new opportunities for business creation and career reinvention. Boomers busy reinventing themselves, and younger entrepreneurs interested in profiting from this “silver tsunami,” can take advantage of numerous opportunities to develop creative new businesses, products, and services. Entirely new industries will be in demand by an aging generation known to change societal and cultural expectations around every life stage it passes through, including life past 50, 60, 70, and 80. Boomers will also transform traditional industries serving aging consumers with unique imprints and styles. The following ideas have been organized around ten major themes of Boomer aging, based on recent consumer research studies and sociological insights into this generation’s emerging motivations.


• Community colleges — traditional public educational institution specializing in retraining of those leaving their primary occupations to become prepared for work in other fields such as healthcare, information technologies, graphic design, financial planning, and teaching.

• Lifelong learning — online and offline short-term workshops and seminars to provide skills-based training, such as computer skills, business accounting, foreign languages, cooking, internet marketing, and digital photography.

• Retirement/financial planning — online webinars and live seminars designed to help Boomers become more sophisticated in managing their retirement assets, planning estates, finding reverse mortgages, buying longevity insurance, and planning long-term care.


• Lifestyle pursuits — consumer products, services, and social networks to help Boomers pursue their recreational passions, whether sports, artistic endeavors, or cultural experiences.

• Adventure vacations — travel to exotic, off-the-beaten path destinations, including immersion into local culture and history, often with subject-area experts as tour guides.

• Political engagement — political action committees and issues-oriented communities conceived to promote favorable public policies, while influencing and electing political leaders.


• NGA and nonprofit participation — community boards, nonprofit boards, grassroots organizing committees, and foundations dedicated to improving quality of life and social/economic equality.

• Civic engagement — events and initiatives conceived to provide assistance and support to disadvantaged groups such as inner city kids, seniors belonging to minority groups, victims of myriad disease conditions, and the homeless.

• Voluntourism — travel planning for those interested in turning vacations into meaningful engagement experiences, for example to help less fortunate and disaster victims in all parts of the world.

LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health & Sustainability)

• Natural /organic products — consumer packaged goods products developed from natural ingredients and sustainable sources, such as prepackaged nutritional foods, clothing made from organic fabrics, and produce grown using organic and sustainable farming methods.

• Energy efficient everything — building materials using recycled materials, homes designed to use solar and alternative energy sources, energy consulting services to help consumers reduce use of energy from fossil fuels.

• Eco-tourism — organizing, planning and conducting travel experiences that minimize impact on the environment and support third-world destinations by using alternative energy and low-impact visitations.


• Fitness training — strength, aerobic, and flexibility training using new methods to accommodate aging fitness devotees; equipment designed to protect older exercisers from injuries while improving muscle tone, resilience, and stamina.

• Brain training — computer and experientially based training to help older learners maintain cognitive health and mitigate cognitive decline due to aging; nutritional supplements and diets designed to support brain health.

• Nutritional supplements — myriad consumer products in the form of vitamins, minerals, drinks, meals, and herbal remedies developed and marketed to support nutritional needs and mitigate impact of diseases associated with aging.


• Cosmeceuticals — integration of nutritional ingredients with cosmetic formulations to improve skin health, mitigate obvious signs of aging and address specific signs of aging such as gray hair, wrinkles, age spots, and sagging skin.

• Anti-aging hormones — synthetic formulations of hormones that can supplement endocrine chemicals that decline due to aging; some of these hormone formulations can be prepared from natural sources and thus bypass scrutiny and oversight by governmental authorities.

• Mature dating websites — online gathering places for divorced, widowed, and never-married single Boomers to help lonely hearts find companions and future spouses.


• Compression of morbidity — all therapeutic and self-care methodologies and products to help aging Boomers maintain vitality throughout their remaining years, live longer lives, and then to pass away from final illnesses of short duration.

• Medical spas — rejuvenation spas that blend traditional medical care such as weight reduction and smoking cessation with benefits of classic spa pampering, to include relaxation, refocusing, and reconnecting with core values.

• Preventative/diagnostic medicine — medical methods and inventions designed to help aging consumers prevent chronic diseases, diagnose these diseases at an early stage, and identify hidden precursors to serious, life-threatening illnesses; biomarker diagnostics used at home with nutrient and fitness recommendations.


• Heirloom gifts — luxury gifts that can be purchased and then handed down to children and grandchildren as heirlooms, including jewelry, watches, collectable currencies, fine art, and valuable antiques.

• Endowments/ foundations — small family foundations and endowments that can be managed by retiring Boomers who have the resources and inclinations to share their good fortune with those needing help and support.

• Multi-generational vacations — retreats designed to appeal to multiple generations, including grandparents, parents and children; vacation experiences segmented by gender such as grandfathers, fathers and grandsons.

Business creation

• Franchises — proven franchises that Boomers can purchase and manage to generate income after retirement from primary occupations; highest value franchises will be those that don’t demand enormous weekly time commitments yet generate good cash flow.

• Web-based businesses — online stores offering myriad specialty products including arts and crafts, hobby support resources, valuable information services, celebrity fan sites, etc.

• Business brokering — for every Boomer trying to sell a business, there are other Boomers interested in buying the business, so putting buyers and sellers together offers lucrative potential, both online and through traditional direct sales channels.


• Spiritual retreats /training — as Boomers age, they will inevitably develop in their motivations to explore spiritual and religious modalities, thus investing more in spiritual products such as books, DVD’s, and live or online educational experiences.

• Hospice/end-of-Life — with over 4 million projected to die each year by the middle of the century, Boomers will be seeking creative and alternative ways to pass away, thus creating new pathways for end-of-life care such as theme-oriented dying experiences.

• High-tech funeral businesses — inventing new technologies that provide avenues for the dying to permanently capture and record their values, histories, and wishes for future generations, including gravesite videos and Internet-based tribute websites.

Throughout Generation Reinvention, I elaborate how 30+ “reinvention opportunities” will become manifest in industries such as financial services and tourism. I also address “why?” and “what does it mean?” and “what’s likely to happen next?”

Guess what? Most of my predictions have materialized in the business sectors covered by the AARP article.

Chapter excerpt from Generation Reinvention: How Boomers Today Are Changing Business, Marketing, Aging and the Future by Brent Green, Copyright 2010, iUniverse.



Brent Green

Award-winning author of six published books, speaker, creative director, and writer focused on generations, aging, spirituality, history, and sociology.